Make, Measure, Understand, Discover,

Predict and Construct

The Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative project

In our ageing society, it is more important than ever to develop treatments for devastating chronic diseases. Yet, what appears promising in the lab, often falls short in the clinical practice.

We aim to develop new platforms to better predict the effect of medicines, based on a combination of human stem cells and microchips. In this way, we learn much more about the development of diseases and accelerate the discovery of new medicines.

The Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative is an NWO Gravitation project funded by the Ministry of Education, culture and Science of the government of the Netherlands.

Why I am not ashamed to say that I ❤ Standards for Organs-on-Chips

Standardization is needed for Organs-on-Chips to truly have societal impact. Andries van der Meer, NOCI researcher from the University of Twente about his passion for Standardizing Organs-on-Chips.


A bug’s life in the gut and why we need chips to understand it

A closer look at your “intestinal microbiome”

by Jelle Slager NOCI Postdoc from UMC Groningen

#NOCI #OoC #Postdoc #GutonChip

A Recipe for Organ-on-Chip Fabrication, by a Biologist

For successful Organ-on-Chip research, combining multiple areas of expertise is crucial. This time a recipe for Organ-on-Chip fabrication by a biologist, NOCI PhD-student Renée Moerkens from UMC Groningen.

#NOCI #OoC #PhD 


When Soul Meets Body

A journey of a silicon wafer to become an organ-on-chip.

By Hande Aydogmus

NOCI PhD-student at TU Delft

#NOCI #OoC #Cleanroom



We had a very nice training day organised by @_Hubrecht institute. With very interesting talks by @HansClevers, @pvulto and @pe_losk. Thanks to you all for making this a very informative digital training day! #ooc #hubrecht #organonchip #training #noci

Thrilled to receive the prestigious Vici grant. Thank @wijmenga_cisca @RitsertJansen @knoers, F.Kuipers, @SashaZhernakova, @LudeFranke, @SeboWithoff, R.Weerdma, my team, colleagues, and collaborators along this journey. @UMCGgenetica @researchumcg @nociorganonchip @LifelinesNL


Hartelijke felicitatie voor onze toponderzoekers @jingyuan_fu en Inge Zuhorn! Zij ontvangen de prestigieuze Vici-beurs @nwonieuws . Hiermee kunnen zij de komende 5 jaar een vernieuwende onderzoekslijn ontwikkelen.
Meer informatie over hun onderzoek: ➡️

Don’t miss the opportunity to read this review titled “Organ-on-a-chip technology: a novel approach to investigate cardiovascular diseases ” in which our NOCI researchers @hhtmiddelkamp and Dr. @andriesvdm participated.…

A review of the recent article by Martin Trapecar et. al. from the view of PhD candidate Lena Sophie Koch of @utwenteEN titled: “How close can we come to the human?” #noci #organonchip…

Exciting news: Registration and abstract submission for #EUROoCS2021 is now open. We have a great lineup of keynote speakers and lots of opportunities for #PhD students and young #scientists to present their latest #OrganOnChip #TissueChip #research. Visit

Last week we handed out a small token of appreciation to most of our PhD-Candidates and Post-Docs. Our PI Christine Mummery is showing it off in this nice picture! #noci #mask #keepsafe #christinemummery #covidmask #organonchip

Our PhD candidate @hhtmiddelkamp from @UTwente has published a paper in @SciReports: “Cell type‑specific changes in transcriptomic profiles of endothelial cells, iPSC‑derived neurons and astrocytes cultured on microfuidic chips” #noci #organonchip

#NOCI-researcher Jeroen Stein has published a beautiful review on Heart-on-a-chip, a very dynamic field.
Discussing 2D/3D in vitro myocardial models, cutting-edge technologies and bench-to-bedside applications of #OoC research.…

Vacancy: Post-doctoral researcher in Microelectromechanical Organs-on-Chip in the ECTM group at @tudelft as part of the Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative (NOCI).…

At the end of the day everyone is still very interested in the training 😉 all kidding aside, thanks so much #noci @tudelft team for virtually showing us around the clean room and MEMS fabrications! #training #microfluidics #nociorganonchip #noci

Our online NOCI PhD- Postdoc training has started! Very well organised by the researchers from @tudelft . Thanks for already a great training day, especially with the provided goodiebag. #organonchip #onlinetraining #training #noci #consortium

On the 25th of November 15:00 CET we will host an online DEMO to introduce you to our #OOC tools. Register at
Our biologist @amrothmann will show you how to assemble the inCHIPitᵀᴹ and the comPLATEᵀᴹ. @NikoGaio will introduce you to the applications.

Our NOCI researcher Berend van Meer has just defended his PhD thesis successfully and graduated with honours (cum laude)
Congratulations Berend for doing this great work and setting the bar high for the rest of us.
#phd #phddefense #onlinedefense #organonachip #organonchip

Today the foundation of “biosciences and society” has launched a booklet (in Dutch) entitled: ‘Mini Organs-on-Chips. Towards new research models for studying disease and finding treatments’.…
#organonchip #noci #bookrelease #organsonchips #nociorganonachip

Great opportunity for biologists thinking of moving to organ on chips in their research!


Today we announce our #OOCtransition initiative for researchers willing to transition to animal-free testing.

Biologists can apply and have the chance to receive €15,000.00.

Info here

@AltertoxAcademy @BioVoxBelgium , @Proefdiervrij , @peta @Centro3r

#NOCI-postdoc Berend van Meer has won the Hugo van Poelgeest award for finding alternatives of animal testing. He did so through sharing his vision of the future of drug-testing, and setting the foundation for realizing this, but also by public lectures.

Exciting all day meeting with our @NWO_Science @nociorganonchip scientific advisory board to discuss progress in our exciting Gravitation program on organs-on-chip using #hiPSC! 🧫Already 21 PhD students involved 💪 @albertvdbergtwt

The retreat of the #noci is here, though with some more personal space than usual. Everyone is very happy to see each other again and to hear the latest updates on #OoCtechnology research. #ooc #organonchip

New paper from M. Dostanić et al., which is a beautiful collaboration between #TUDelft and #LUMC. Bringing cutting edge microfabrication and stem cell biology together, this paper shows a new method of creating a #heartonchip for #EHT culture.

Check out this incredible review in @NatRevDrugDisc , covering every aspect of #organonchip and where the field is at: a very complete overview of potentials, promises, pitfalls and challenges.
#MPS #microphysiologicalsystems #OoC #TissueChip @nociorganonchip

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery@NatRevDrugDisc

Organs-on-chips: into the next decade – a new review by @drlucieinthesky and colleagues at @ncats_nih_gov discusses current applications and caveats for the use of organs-on-chips in drug discovery and offers suggestions for future research directions

EUROoCS and @ISSCR announce today that Stem Cell Reports will become the “home” journal for EUROoCS member publications on the use & application of stem cells, bridging the bioengineering and stem cell communities. @StemCellReports #organonchip

#ISSCR and EUROoCS announce today that Stem Cell Reports will become the “home” journal for EUROoCS member publications on the use & application of stem cells, bridging the bioengineering and stem cell communities. @martinperaJAX @StemCellReports @euroocs

New regulatory tools may help replace, reduce and refine animal testing. One novel tool is Microphysiological Systems. FDA invites comments on its draft definitions for Microphysiological Systems and for Organs on a Chip:…

Very interesting read on the relevance of microphysiological systems, multiorgan on chip, and bridging the translational gap between animal models and treating human diseases. #OOC #MPS #AnimalModels #StemCells

DDNews Online@DDNewsOnline

Looking to better understand organ #models & the move to Humans-on-a-Chip?

Check out our July Special Report, w/ insights from @wyssinstitute, @HesperosInc, @InSphero, @CN_Bio & many others
#StemCells #microfluidics #microtissues @DonIngber @UCFORC

So proud that our celiac disease-on-chip research is awarded with the Young Investigators Presentation Award @Euroocs_conf. Extremely grateful to be part of such a motivated and collaborative team. Thanks to the @euroocs organization. Can’t wait until next year! @nociorganonchip

Joram Mooiweer@JoramMooiweer

Proud to win the Young Investigators Presentation Award(!) on behalf of our whole CeD-on-chip team
@MoerkensRenee @JelleSlager @SeboWithoff. Fantastic
@Euroocs_conf 2020 meeting and honoured by the recognition of our work. Thanks to the organizers
@euroocs. @nociorganonchip

Joram Mooiweer from the #NOCI has won the best presentation prize of the #EUROoCS conference. An amazing honor, and very well-deserved (as he had only two days to prepare his talk). #gutonchip #celiacdisease #twoyearNOCIstreak #organonchip #OoC

Berend van Meer elaborating about the infrastructure to share technology across labs on the #EUROoCS. Standardizing and qualifying the #OoCtechnology through combining core expertise, training and commercialization. Great stuff! #NOCI #OoC #Organonchip

We open the second day of @Euroocs_conf #EUROoCS2020 with @MauriceAtEcvam of EURL ECVAM. He does such a good job putting our work on organs-on-chips in a larger regulatory and societal context. Very motivating to learn about the road to impact.

Joram Mooiweer just gave a talk at the #EUROoCS about the impressive work and the results he and his group achieved in the research on Celiac disease on chip. #NOCI #organsonchip

The #Neurovascularunit on a chip-field is lucky to have such a bright young researcher like Dennis Nahon, who just presented his work at the #EUROoCS conference. Wonderful vascular networks and neural structures, using the #AIMBiotech chip. #NOCI #organonchip

Really enjoyed the first day of the @Euroocs_conf. Tomorrow another exciting day full of talks about Organs-on-a-chip, including my own presentation in the Barrier and vasculature session. @nociorganonchip

Hope everyone had a great non virtual lunch. Now we are back online with two parallel sessions on “#Organoids and #Spheroids” as well as on “#Disease #Models” featuring lots of great #OrganOnChip trainees

Lena Sophie Koch just presented her hipSC-gut/brain on a chip model, with beautiful axonal culture, and containing paneth cells and goblet cells in the intestinal organoids. A very ambitious project, and very clearly presented #noci #organonachip #EUROoCS2020

#EUROoCS2020 has started. @euroocs president Christine Mummery kicked off the conference. Looking forward to exciting science. Thank you to our sponsors and the organizers!

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Office team

Dr. Ellen Thomassen 

Project manager LUMC

Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
Postal Zone S4-P
P.O. Box 9600
2300 RC Leiden
The Netherlands


Dennis Doorakkers

Controller LUMC

Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
Postal Zone J0-R
P.O. Box 9600
2300 RC Leiden
The Netherlands

The Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative is an NWO Gravitation project funded by the Ministry of Education, culture and Science of the government of the Netherlands.