Berend van Meer (LUMC), samen met Paul Vulto (Mimetas) en Bert de Vries (TU Eindhoven) in een podcast van BNR Eyeopeners “Medicijnen specifiek gemaakt voor jouw eigen lichaam” (in Dutch). Listen here to the podcast. Medicijnen specifiek gemaakt voor jouw...
One of the areas that NOCI is investigating is the development of brain-on-a-chip models for epilepsy. I was recently invited to write a Dutch piece in the journal “Epilepsie, periodiek voor professionals”, where we explain how we can replicate and analyze complex...
When I was an undergraduate student, I learned in a journal club that the lab of Hans Clevers in Utrecht had just shifted the boundaries of cell biology and tissue engineering: Single adult stem cells from patients’ biopsies – cultured under the right conditions –...
As a neurobiologist, I have been intrigued by the brain since my study Medical Biology in Utrecht. It is the most mysterious organ of the body, containing our thoughts, dreams and our curiosity, with much left to discover how it functions and how it’s dysfunction can...
This week the results of the mid-term review were received. The funding for the Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative (NOCI) program will be continued for a second term of 5 years. The NOCI program will continue until October 1st 2027. The midterm review consisted of a...
Oxygen tank, some pieces of lead, an air vest, and a buddy, and we are ready to jump into the water. After some initial panic of breathing out of a tube, equalizing the ears, here opens a wonder of the underwater world. Few meters under the water surface, shades of...