A silver lining on the pandemic

If something good has come out of this pandemic is that many conferences and trainings are now virtual. NOCI Postdoc Cristina Gontan Pardo from EMC recently followed the first NOCI Virtual practical training organised by the TUD-team.

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Booklet on Mini Organs-on-Chips launched

Today the Foundation ‘Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij’ has launched a booklet, entitled ‘Mini Organs-on-Chips. Towards new research models for studying disease and finding treatments’.

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The Organ-on-Chip side of the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on every aspect of our lives. From the burden on our personal life to the restrictions it has put on our working life. Dennis Nahon, NOCI PhD student from the LUMC, gives an overview of initiatives regarding COVID-19 research from the OoC field.

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