As the rest of the world, the total lock-down due to the SARS-CoVID-19 virus has subsided all non-essential laboratorial work to zero. The NOCI-researchers are confined to their homes to carry out the work that will eventually lead to the replacement of animal...
On March 12-13 the NOCI PhD-students and Postdocs gathered at Hotel Rotterdam to have the third edition of the NOCI retreat. Every six months all PhD-students and postdocs have a meeting to update each other on the status and results of the projects within NOCI,...
A common gut microbe secretes a carcinogenCancer mutations can be caused by common gut bacteria carried by many people. This was demonstrated by researchers from the Hubrecht Institute (KNAW) and Princess Máxima Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands. By exposing cultured...
The five PhD candidates from UTwente in Enschede Lena Sophie Koch Development of a microbiome-gut-brain-axis on a microfluidic chip More information Heleen Middelkamp Parallelized 3D Blood Vessels-on-a-Chip for Vascular Disease Modelling More information Carlos...
De nominaties voor de Hugo van Poelgeestprijs zijn bekend! Eind april zal één jonge onderzoeker worden beloond voor zijn of haar proefdiervrije, innovatieve onderzoek met een geldprijs van 3000 euro. De Hugo van Poelgeest-prijs is de oudste Nederlandse prijs voor...
Abstract submissionAbstract submission is now open via abstracts will be selected either for an oral presentation or for the interactive poster session. Deadline for abstract submission: 1 March...