Good time for (and with) Organs-On-Chip

Imagine to be a student (How do you know…?) that needs to catch up with classical mechanics as fast and as soon as possible (That might occur at some point, anyway… Not only to me, I mean.). Wouldn’t you then like to be able to call up on Newton and ask for a...

“Brain-on-a-chip”: Modeling the human brain

A few weeks ago, Lena Sophie Koch (NOCI- PhD student) discussed with us in her NOCI news item how close we can get to the human with a review on the gut-brain axis. This seems to be a burning question for many researchers of various organ-on-chip fields. So today I...

Why I am not ashamed to say that I ❤ Standards for Organs-on-Chips

Last week, I was in an online meeting in which multiple people admitted rather apologetically that they are super enthusiastic and passionate about… well.. erm.. ‘standards’. And yes, ‘standards’ may not be the first answer you’d expect when asking someone about their...

A bug’s life in the gut and why we need chips to understand it

Hi there! Welcome to our residence, welcome to your gut. As you can see it’s crowded in here. We’re living together with hundreds of different kinds of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. Together, you can call us your ‘intestinal microbiome’. You might wonder...

A Recipe for Organ-on-Chip Fabrication, by a Biologist

For successful Organ-on-Chip research, combining multiple areas of expertise is crucial. Even though there is constant feedback from one to the other discipline, in practice, they are very different: a biologist spends most of the day nourishing and photographing...