The price for best presentation (€200) at the European Vascular Biology Organization (EVBO) summer school 2021 went to Dennis Nahon (NOCI PhD-student from Leiden University Medical Center) for the presentation of his work on ‘A Modular 3D NVU-on-a-chip model for...
An Organ-on-Chip (OoC) is a microfabricated device mimicking the physiological environment of the human body in order to culture cells in a micro environment that fit biological requirements. Ultimately the human body is made of an extreme diversity of tissues with a...
Almost everyone would like to ban animal testing. But in practice, animal experiments are still needed, for example to investigate new drugs for side effects. In this episode of Enkeltje Wetenschap Berend van Meer (LUMC/UTwente) explains that Organs-on-Chips might...
As we all know, it has been more than a year since online meetings and working from home became new reality. From being used to see each other very often for retreats and practical trainings within our NOCI community, we moved to the world of online activities and...
The Travel Award (€250, sponsored by Roche) of the EUROoCS 2021 meeting went to Milica Dostanić (NOCI PhD-student from Delft University of Technology) for the presentation of her work on ‘An engineered heart tissue platform with integrated pacing...
Christine Mummery has contributed to the year book of Diligentia, De Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Natuurkunde. For the article in Dutch see here. Een impressie van ‘jouw lichaam-op-een-chip’. Met dank aan Berend van Meer, Mees de Graaf, Claire Glashan. Summary...