Article by Berend J. van Meer in Nature Communications
Article “Simultaneous measurement of excitation-contraction coupling parameters identifies mechanisms underlying contractile responses of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes” now available.
Sartorius and Science looking for applications for their Prize for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy
The annual Sartorius and Science Prize for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy is geared towards researchers focused on basic or translational research that advances regenerative medicine and cell therapy. The initiators are looking forward to receiving your application before 1 October 2019.
hDMT Junior Researchers Challenges Call 2019
Team 3D Blood Vessels-on-Chip existing of Mees de Graaf (LUMC), Heleen Middelkamp (UTwente), and Aisen de Sá Vivas (UTwente) won the hDMT Junior Researchers Challenges Call 2019.
Dennis Nahon Received Student Travel Award
Dennis Nahon (LUMC) Received Student Travel Award for his abstract “Development of a 3D NVU-on-a-chip model for studying vascular dementia” submitted to EUROoC 2019 conference in Graz, Austria.
European Organ-on-Chip Society (EUROoCS)
Become a member of EUROoCS, the European Organ-on-Chip Society.
NOCI-retreat 7-8 March 2019
Report of the NOCI-retreat 7-8 March 2019, organized in Utrecht by Renée Moerkens (UMCG), Jens Puschhof (Hubrecht), and Jeroen Stein (LUMC).
Organ-on-Chip mini-symposium at UMCG in Groningen
On Wednesday 19th of December, the department of Genetics and the iPSC/CRISPR Center of the UMCG in Groningen organized the 2nd hDMT/UMCG OoC Mini-symposium.
Your heart on a chip? | Berend van Meer | TEDxUniversiteitVanAmsterdam
Understanding the human body is difficult. Especially if we don’t want to understand just any body, but specifically yours. What happens when you get sick? Why do you respond well to a certain drug or therapy while your neighbour does not? We are used to studying the...
The 2018 United European Gastroenterology Research Prize for Prof. Cisca Wijmenga
Professor Cisca Wijmenga has been awarded the 2018 United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Research Prize for her outstanding work “A celiac mucosal barrier-on-chip model to investigate its role in initiation of celiac disease”.
LUMC-premie 2018 naar Christine Mummery
Prof. Christine Mummery heeft de LUMC-Premie toegekend gekregen. Mummery ontvangt de premie voor haar brede verdiensten voor het LUMC, in het bijzonder voor haar wetenschappelijke prestaties.