Get to know NOCI PhD student Eline Smits from UMCG

Two years ago, I started my PhD in the Immunogenetics lab run by Sebo Withoff and Iris Jonkers at the Department of Genetics of the University Medical Center Groningen in the context of the NOW Gravitation program ‘Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative’ (NOCI). In our...

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Lena Sophie Koch successfully defended her PhD thesis

On October 31st, Lena Sophie Koch successfully defended her PhD thesis titled “The Gut-Brain Axis on Chip to Unravel Inter-Tissue Interactions" The microbiome-gut-brain axis (MGBA) represents the bi-directional path for interaction between the gastrointestinal tract...

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Hande Aydogmus successfully defended her PhD thesis

On September 23rd, Hande Aydogmus successfully defended her PhD thesis titled “Integrated Sensors for Organ-on-Chip Platforms.” In her research, she explored the integration of CMOS-compatible cleanroom fabrication methods and field-effect transistor (FET)-based...

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Dennis Nahon succesfully defended his thesis

On June 26th, Dennis Nahon, successfully defended his PhD thesis titled: ‘Modeling vascular disease using self-assembling human induced pluripotent stem cell derivatives in 3D vessels-on-chip.’In this thesis he developed novel models to study vascular diseases, to...

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