26th Annual Congress of the ESGCT
Lausanne, Switserland
16-19 October, 2018
The 26th Annual Congress of the ESGCT will take place 16-19 October 2018 in Lausanne – Switzerland, at the SwissTech Convention Center, in collaboration with the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), the French Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (SFTCG) and local organisers in Switzerland.
Registration & abstract submission is now open
Early bird deadline: 30th June 2018
Abstract submission deadline: 6th July 2018
INSERM workshop “organ-on-chip: understanding and mimicking living organisms for better treatment”
Bordeaux, France
15-17 October, 2018
Inserm Workshop “Organ-on-chip: understanding and mimicking living organisms for better treatment”, phase I Critical Assessment
Nathalie PICOLLET D’HAHAN (CEA-BGE-Biomics, Grenoble), Donald K. MARTIN (TIMC-
IMAG, UGA, Grenoble), Christophe MARQUETTE (ICBMS-Université Lyon1-CNRS, Villeurbanne).
Organ-on-chip (OOC) technology is providing new platforms for drug discovery and toxicity testing and has the potential to become powerful for disease modelling and personalised medicine. This course will cover ongoing efforts and various applications of OOC while also addressing ethical issues.
Information Poster: info
1st International EUROMBR Training Course
Braunschweig, Germany
24-28 September, 2018
announcement of the 1st International EUROMBR Training Course – Applications of microbioreactors in bioprocess development. The topcis are also relevant for Master or PhD Student working on organ-on-Chips.
Date and venue:
September 24 – 28, 2018, Center of Pharmaceutical Engineering, TU Braunschweig, Germany
A 5-day course will include lecture program and a laboratory hands-on training.
– Microfabrication
– Microfluidics, transport phenoma, fluid flow
– Sensors and inline-analytics
– Enzyme immobilisation
– Biocatalysis
– Cultivation
– Modeling and design of microfluidic processes
NOCI Retreat
Leiden, The Netherlands
7 September, 2018
On September 7, 2018 there will be the kick-off retreat at the LUMC in Leiden for PhD-students/Postdocs on invitation only.
UMCG-hDMT kick-off mini-symposium on Organ-on-Chip
Groningen, The Netherlands
June 7, 2018
Recently, the UMCG has become a member of the hDMT (human organ and disease model technologies) consortium, which includes most academic centres and multiple industrial partners in the Netherlands. Membership in hDMT allows UMCG scientists to sign up for and participate in general hDMT meetings on organ-on-chip technology and specialist group meetings focusing on specific organs-on-chip. Currently, researchers associated with the hDMT consortium have organized themselves into focus groups around several themes: cancer-, vessels-, heart-, skin-, brain-, and intestine-on-chip. It is expected that other focus areas will be established in the near future given the rapid pace of the field.
EUROoC (Organ on a Chip) – 2018
Stuttgart, Germany
24-25 May, 2018
11th Dutch Stem Cell Meeting
Utrecht, the Netherlands
4 May, 2018
You can now register for this meeting by completing the online registration form (including abstract submission) before April 1st 2018.
The DSSCR organization tried to generate an extensive mailing list of potentially interested people but please forward this mail to interested colleagues and particularly young scientists in your research groups.
Kick off meeting NOCI
At the 15th of December 2017 the NOCI kick-off meeting took place in Utrecht