Groningen, the Netherlands 19 December, 2018 This mini-symposium is co-organized by the Department of Genetics of the UMCG (in the context of the Netherlands Organ-On-Chip Initiative (NOCI) Gravitation grant program) and the UMCG Technology Symposia...
Enschede, the Netherlands 6-7 December, 2018 For NOCI members only! The two day practical training will be organised on 6-7 December 2018, at the University Twente in Enschede. The program will start on Thursday ~11 hr and end on Friday around 15...
Eindhoven, The Netherlands 8-9 November, 2018 The 2018 edition of the International Organ-on-Chip Symposium – IOOCS18- will be hosted by Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. For more infomation see the IOOCS18 website. IOOCS18...
Lyon and Grenoble, France 22-25 October, 2018 ORGANIZERS: Nathalie PICOLLET D’HAHAN (CEA-BGE-Biomics, Grenoble), Donald K. MARTIN (TIMC- IMAG, UGA, Grenoble), Christophe MARQUETTE (ICBMS-Université Lyon1-CNRS, Villeurbanne). A practical workshop...