Graz, Austria
3-4 July, 2019

The EUROoC conference series aims to gather the research leaders in the emerging field Organs-on-Chip (OoC) with a special focus on young and upcoming scientists. The extremely interdisciplinary field of OoC research is rapidly growing while new and innovative systems are constantly being developed. However, a variety of engineering challenges are remaining, which the OoC field has to address as a whole to enable a sustainable growth of this breakthrough technology.

The EUROoC is a scientific meeting focused on the challenges in the process of designing, fabricating, and implementing microphysiological cell culture systems addressing topics such as microfabrication of 3D matrices, integration of miniaturised sensors, microfluidic interfacing, cellular engineering, parallelization and automation.

EUROoC 2019 Conference covers all aspects related to the research, development and application of Organ-on-Chips. Scientists and developers are invited to submit their original contributions in one or more of the following topics:

• Micro- and Nanoengineering
• Microfluidic interfacing
• Actuators for dynamic culture environments
• Integrated sensors
• Cellular engineering
• 3D cell culture environments
• Scaling
• Automation
• User-friendliness